3 Tips for Your BEST Massage Experience

3 Tips for Your BEST Massage Experience


AbmpTouchYou chose a great therapist for your needs… She has keen listening skills, a variety of massage techniques, and is available at your favorite time each week. What more could you gain from your massage time? Apply these 3 quick and easy tips to ensure lasting results from your table time each week.

1. Hydrate! Most folks are a tad bit dehydrated on a daily basis. The massage process further encourages the exchange of body fluids from all the kneading and pressing on soft muscle tissue. Your muscle is like a sponge, and requires a fresh rinse to stay healthy, supple and pain free. Get the most bang for your buck post-massage by hydrating before your session. I recommend a solid 2 liters of fresh water before you hop onto the treatment table.

2. Breathe! This may seem a silly reminder, but breathing deeply and slowly throughout your treatment helps to maintain oxygen levels that encourage muscles to release tension. Our nervous system alerts the muscle tissue, and the muscle fibers respond, elongate and relax through tight areas. Our muscles shift from tense to supple states over the course of therapy. Consistent, smooth breathing helps to support these changes.

3. Soak! Nothing beats a warm water treatment before massage to heat and relax muscles, plus encourage overall mind-body relaxation. Whatever you have access to can work… soak, steam, wet sauna, shower or swim. Warm muscle tissue is ready for deeper therapeutic techniques right away and this can save time in your session. A 20 minute soak beforehand will do the trick and prepare you mentally for the relaxation zone up ahead!


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